
'FEE-paper gaat voorbij aan rol internal auditor'

IIA Nederland betreurt het dat het FEE-discussiestuk 'The Future of Audit and Asscurance' volkomen voorbijgaat aan de belangrijke rol die internal auditors spelen met betrekking tot corporate governance.

Dat schrijft IIA Nederland in een brief aan de Europese beroepskoepel van accountants. 

Het IIA beveelt aan dat internal auditors en externe accountants streven naar een betere samenwerking in de dialoog met stakeholders over auditing en assurance.

"Much to our regret your paper disregards a widespread good practice, often already embedded in national corporate governance legislation. Many organizations, corporations and otherwise, currently have an Internal Audit Function (IAF) which play a pivotal role in providing the organization's governors (e.g. Boards) with objective assurance on the whole system of risk management, compliance and internal control. Not referring to the IAF in the FEE discussion paper is therefore a significant omission and a disregard of current practice", aldus IIA Nederland.

"Our belief and recommendation is that internal and external auditors can better work together in the stakeholder dialogue to define the best way forward in auditing and assurance and the way the two audit roles work together."

» Lees de brief van IIA Nederland aan de FEE


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