Arnold Schilder herbenoemd als voorzitter IAASB
Prof.dr. Arnold Schilder RA is herbenoemd als voorzitter van de International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) voor de periode 2015-2017.
Het is de derde termijn van Schilder als voorzitter van de internationale standard setter. Schilder is sinds 1 januari 2009 voorzitter van de IAASB.
Schilder was voor zijn benoeming als IAASB-voorzitter directeur bij De Nederlandsche Bank en lid van de Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB), het toezichthoudend orgaan op de IAASB. In 1994 en 1995 was hij voorzitter van het NIVRA.
"As chairman, Prof. Schilder will continue to lead the IAASB as it works to set high-quality international auditing, assurance, and related services standards. Since his appointment in 2009, he has played a key role in guiding the IAASB as it strives to enhance the quality and consistency of practice throughout the world. With 90 jurisdictions around the world already using or in the process of adopting or incorporating International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), his leadership will be critical in expanding this broadly based acceptance more widely", aldus het persbericht van de IAASB.
"Additionally, he will steer the board into the future as it works to enhance public confidence in financial reporting. Part of this agenda includes the IAASB's leading edge proposals for significant changes to the content of the auditor's report and considering the results of the implementation reviews of the ISAs. Also, the IAASB will closely monitor new developments, such as integrated reporting, and their implications for assurance and related services standards."