
BDO ziet onafhankelijkheidsregels EU als steun in de rug

BDO denkt dat het EU-akkoord over onafhankelijkheidsregels kansen biedt om marktaandeel te veroveren ten koste van de big four.

Het resultaat is wat BDO betreft nog beter dan de oorspronkelijke voorstellen van de Europese Commissie.

Dat stelt BDO in een schriftelijke reactie op het EU-akkoord. Eerder toonde ook Mazars zich al verheugd over de kansen die het akkoord biedt aan middelgrote kantoren.

"At BDO we broadly welcome the package of measures agreed by the EU, especially as they are more pragmatic than the original proposals from the European Commission", aldus de verklaring van BDO.

"It also brings some relief in that the lengthy process is coming to a close which provides certainty and direction to the audit profession and the corporate community."

"That said we would not have lobbied for mandatory firm rotation or non-audit services caps and blacklists, but overall we believe the package is balanced and likely to be a positive move - not just for the audit marketplace, but for audit quality, investors and businesses alike. At the same time, we are pleased to see the incentives for periodic voluntary tendering and for joint audits - both of which we at BDO have long championed."

"Over time, we expect the package of measures to offer further opportunities for firms like BDO to win additional market share and so reduce the dominance of the largest firms - especially as increasingly internationalised clients drive consolidation of the mid-tier audit market."


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