
FEE-onderzoek naar beroep in 30 Europese landen

De Europese koepel van beroepsorganisaties van accountants FEE heeft een onderzoek gepubliceerd naar de structuur en organisatie van het accountantsberoep in dertig Europese landen.

Persbericht van de FEE:

FEE releases unique survey shedding light on how the Accountancy Profession is structured and organised across 30 European countries

Brussels, 27 March 2012 - FEE (Fédération des Experts-comptables Européens - Federation of European Accountants) has studied the structure and organisation of the accountancy profession across 30 European countries and summarised key facts and findings in a report published today.

The report is a snapshot that will provide interested parties with information about the accountancy professions per country, including an outline of the different education, qualification and registration requirements, reserved activities, supervision and competent authorities. Information about professional accountancy bodies and their roles and activities is available as well, showing how the professions are organised.

All those with an interest in the profession, from potential students to regulators should find the survey of help to comprehend the profession across Europe. In particular, professionals from EU Member States and third countries who consider going cross-border and exercising the fundamental freedoms of the Single Market - either temporarily or permanently - can find a brief overview of how market access would work in their case.



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