
Internationale accountantsnetwerken steunen samenwerking VS en VK in toezicht

BDO, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Grant Thornton, KPMG en PwC hebben hun steun uitgesproken voor de samenwerkingsovereenkomst die de toezichthouders op accountants in de Verenigde Staten en het Verenigd Koninkrijk onlangs sloten.

In een gezamenlijke verklaring laten de internationale netwerken weten achter de informatie-uitwisseling tussen de Amerikaanse PCAOB en de Britse POB te staan en hopen dat andere toezichthouders het voorbeeld zullen volgen.

"Over the last several years, regulation of the auditing profession has evolved substantially with independent oversight of audit firms now in place in many jurisdictions around the world. Independent oversight has made an important contribution to audit quality and investor confidence in financial markets.

The global nature of corporate activity demands that audit regulators share information and cooperate across borders. Therefore, we are encouraged by today's announcement of the cooperative agreement between the U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and Professional Oversight Board in the United Kingdom. We are pleased it will enable audit firm inspections to move forward and hope it will be followed by similar arrangements among other regulators which we encourage and support. 

Such cooperation benefits not only the regulators and registered audit firms but also investors, whose investments today increasingly cross borders."


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