
Intern rapport SocGen: Kerviel opereerde alleen

In een gisteren gepubliceerd rapport dat Société Generale opstelde in samenwerking met PricewaterhouseCoopers stelt de Franse bank dat fraudeur Jérôme Kerviel in zijn eentje handelde.

Société Générale leed een verlies van 4,9 miljard euro door riskante effectentransacties van Kerviel.

Het rapport stelt dat er geen aanwijzingen zijn dat Kerviel hulp kreeg van anderen. "At this stage of the investigations, there is no evidence of embezzlement or internal or external complicity (i.e. the existence of a third party who knowingly assisted the fraudster to conceal his positions). The investigations are continuing, in particular, to cover a wider area than the activities of the author of the fraud."

Volgens het rapport gingen de interne controlemaatregelen van SocGen niet ver genoeg. "The failure to identify the fraud [...] can be attributed firstly to the efficiency and variety of the concealment techniques employed by the fraudster, secondly to the fact that operating staff did not systematically carry out more detailed checks, and finally to the absence of certain controls that were not provided for and which might have identified the fraud".

Om dit soort incidenten in de toekomst te voorkomen worden in het rapport de volgende aanbevelingen gedaan:

  • Strengthening IT-security through the development of strong identification solutions (biometry), the acceleration of current structural plans for the management of access security and targeted security audits.
  • Reinforcing controls and alert procedures; these are reviewed mainly to ensure the appropriate circulation of relevant information between the different units and at the appropriate management level.
  • Strengthening the organisational structure and governance of the operational risk prevention system to develop its cross-functional nature and better take account of the fraud risk, including from a human resources perspective.

PricewaterhouseCoopers moet toezien op de implementatie van de maatregelen en hiervan verslag doen aan het bestuur van Société Générale.


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