
IASCF: politieke bemoeienis met verslaggevingsstandaarden ongewenst

De IASCF, het toezichthoudend orgaan op de International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), wil dat de politiek zich niet bemoeit met de regels voor financiële verslaggeving. Dit zegt de organisatie in een brief aan de Amerikaanse president Bush, gastheer van de bijeenkomst op zaterdag 15 november van de G20 in het kader van de financiële crisis.

"The Trustees believe that any steps taken outside the well-established and supported standard-setting process to amend fair value accounting would further undermine already scarce confidence in financial markets. Therefore, efforts to improve financial reporting should be led and completed expeditiously by the IASB in order to ensure a globally coordinated approach."

"At the same time, any further IASB action needs to take proper account of the views of all stakeholders in order to develop accounting standards that provide transparent financial information to market participants. Stakeholders, particularly investors, have been very clear about this point in representations to us. Issues related to fair value accounting are complex, with consequences which need careful evaluation. They are not necessarily conducive to immediate fixes."

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