
EC verzoekt IASB om meer aanpassingen IAS 39

In een brief aan de International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) vraagt de Europese Commissie de standard setter meer aanpassingen aan IAS 39 in overweging te nemen.

De Commissie vraagt in het bijzonder de volgende drie punten snel op te lossen:

  • Financial assets presently classified as fair-value-through-profit-or-loss (FVTPL) using the Fair Value Option can be classified into other categories and not measured at fair value, for the same reasons, and under the same conditions as the assets reclassified out of the held-for-sale category.
  • Clarification on whether synthetic collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) include embedded credit derivatives. Currently, IAS 39 is interpreted as requiring separation and fair value measurement for such embedded credit derivatives, whereas US GAAP does not require an embedded derivative to be recognised separately.
  • Adjustments to imparment rules applicable to available-for-sale (AFS) interest-bearing financial assets, so that AFS would be treated the same way as loans and receivables and held-to-maturity debt instruments, The effect of such a change would be to keep a portion of the fair value decline on AFS in equity rather than recognising it in profit or loss as IAS 39 currently requires.

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