
Verandering van tactiek leidde tot ontdekking fraude Société Generale

Maandenlang kon handelaar Jérome Kerviel van de Franse bank Société Generale ongehinderd zijn gang gaan. Door in te breken op computers van de bank en interne controles te omzeilen wist hij ongeautoriseerde derivatentransacties te doen.

Interessant, behalve de vraag hoe dit zo lang onopgemerkt kon blijven, is uiteraard ook de vraag hoe de fraude uiteindelijk is ontdekt.

In de Wall Street Journal wordt daarover iets gezegd.

Though he tried to cover his tracks over the past few weeks, the scheme started unraveling last Friday, according to Société Générale executives, who said Mr. Kerviel made a false move and red flags were raised by a computer system. He changed a tactic he had been using to conceal his trades and, said Mr. Citerne, "took a position that prompted a possible margin call," or demand for funds. "That triggered some alerts."

According to one person familiar with events, the bank's controls did red-flag an outside trading partner of the bank, whose account showed unusually high finance levels. The client, when asked by the bank about the account's finances, denied knowing of it. Pursuing this matter ultimately led to Mr. Kerviel.

» Lees het artikel French Bank Rocked by Rogue Trader in de Wall Street Journal


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