
Europees imperialisme

In de Wall Street Journal van 31 oktober 2007 een ongemeen fel redactioneel over de Europese invloed op het internationale economische landschap.

De titel: 'European imperialism'. De conclusie van het stuk willen we u niet onthouden.

"Earlier this year, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission agreed to let companies submit some financial statements using new international accounting standards rather than U.S. GAAP principles. The European Parliament responded to this goodwill gesture - for which Brussels had lobbied hard - by insisting that the SEC accept a special version of the accounting rules tailored to the EU."

"The larger theme here is that unelected officials in Brussels, and protectionist politicians in EU capitals, are using their regulatory power as a tool of economic nationalism. Under the cover of some nice-sounding social goals, they are harming U.S. companies and reducing commercial freedom. This is a growing threat to U.S. prosperity, and American politicians and regulators had better wake up to it."

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